Daksa was thus brought back to life and immediately regretted his mistakes. He also remembered the death of his daughter, which caused him great pain. Daksa thus chocked up and couldn't speak. With great endeavor, he was able to finally pacify his mind and offer heartfelt prayers to Lord Shiva.
Having been pardoned by him and blessed to again perform the sacrifice. First of all, the sacrificial arena had to be purified from all the blood and desecration from the followers of Lord Shiva. The brāhmaṇas cleaned the arena, but this in itself was not sufficient to remove the contamination. The true purification comes from invoking the name of Lord Vishnu. for this end, the sages arranged to offer into the fire the oblations known as puroḍāśa. Before, Lord Vishnu refused to be present in his sacrifice, due to his offenses to Lord Shiva, but now, as soon as Daksa offered oblations into the fire after chanting the mantras, Lord Vishnu appeared personally as Nārāyaṇa.
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