How to have better health to better serve Krsna
Although the body is not our true self, the body is a vehicle that we can use to achieve self-realization. As in any difficult journey, it’s important to take care of our vehicle so we can get there.
In 2020 I published a book called “Right Food, Right Time”, which explained how one can improve his health, lose weight, and cure or prevent many diseases with changes in his diet. Due to the success of this first book, I decided to publish a version destined for devotees who may be struggling with their health. The sad truth is that although we are vegetarians we frequently eat even worse than most of the rest of the population, and thus illness, indisposition, obesity, brain fog, emotional issues, depression, and even cancer are rampant. One may question what depression and cancer have to do with one’s diet, and again the truth is that there is a lot of correlation. Without proper food, our body can’t properly repair and problems quickly multiply.
Although the body is not our true self, the body is a vehicle that one can use to achieve self-realization. As in any long and difficult journey, it’s important to take care of our vehicle so we can achieve our destination.
Instead of again publishing a physical book, which creates a series of logistical challenges for it to reach readers in different parts of the world, I decided to simply publish it digitally, so all interested can have easy access to it. Feel free to read and share.
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Chapter 1: Understanding diet and health
How disease is cured
The three health issues that are the source of most other problems
Chapter 2: What to use and what to avoid
The problem with refined vegetable oils
The problem with sugar
The problem with wheat flour
Rice: good or bad?
Why fried food isn’t such a good idea
An alert about starches and high glycemic foods
Is soy good or bad?
The importance of vegetables and fruits
It’s not rocket science: Carbohydrates, resistant starches, and soluble fibers
How to cook when we don’t have time to cook
Being raw food is good or bad?
Chapter 3: Activating the natural healing mechanisms of the body
Feasting and fasting
The power of intermittent fasting
The 16:8 system
18:6 and 20:4
HGH and testosterone
One time per day?
Water fasting as a healing aid
Fasting and hunger
Fasting is not a panacea
How to start?
How to break the fast?
How to make fasting easier?
Chapter 4: How to lose weight in a sustainable way
Something to avoid
Insulin and glucagon
How to avoid loose skin when losing weight
A spiritual perspective
Milk: good or bad?
What about exercise?
Supplements: what to consider, what to avoid
A solution for pain
Cancer and diet?
Take away: eight principles for good health